Syndic de copropriété 21 rue Pasteur 33200 Bordeaux - Tel:
+33(0)5 56 08 45 45
Syndic de copropriété à Bordeaux
Who we are
My account
Our mission
Our 10 engagements
Our différence
Contact us
Our Mission
Respect of the charter of joint ownership of your building by the whole of its occupants.
Convocation and behaviour of the general assemblies.
Notification of the verbal lawsuits of general assembly and the meetings of the trade-union council.
Execution of the decisions taken in general assembly.
Negotiation and subscription of the insurance policies.
Maintenance of your building and assumption of responsibility of work necessary to its conservation.
Consultation and followed contractors.
Representation of the trade union of the joint owners for all the acts engaging joint ownership.
Financial management book-keeping of the building.
Development of the budget estimated and installation of the provisions necessary to its execution.
Distribution, covering and payment of the loads of joint ownership.
Management of the dispute of the trade union of the joint owners and legal representation.
Recruitment and follow-up of the personnel necessary to the correct operation of joint ownership.
Specific visit of the common parts of your building.
Subscription, negotiation and followed contracts service of joint ownership.
Update of the legal documents.
Conservation of the files of the trade union of the joint owners.